Blog entry by Ashlee Parkhurst

Anyone in the world

Insomnia is one of the most frequent complaints of ladies in the premenopause and menopause years. From difficulty falling asleep, to regular awakenings, to waking up during the evening but not being in a position to return to sleep. Doctors specializing in female's health are increasingly more attributing these menopause symptoms to the sharply declining output of progesterone and estrogen by the ovaries as women age. Uzzi Reiss, M.D., author of Natural Hormone Balance for Women, says: "You can use...progesterone to provide you with a restful night's rest. I estimate that three-quarters of females can most likely resolve a hormonal-related sleeping problem with this basic approach."

Dr. Reiss goes on to say: "Research in Germany has shown that progesterone...has a potent effect on brain chemistry. Specifically, it improves the activity of GABA, a major neuro-chemical that calms the nervous system. Researchers have discovered that progesterone produces a sleep brain wave pattern just like that from tranquilizers."

A important review on this is titled: "Progesterone Reduces Wakefulness in Sleep EEG." (EEG is really an electroencephalogram, which happens to be an approach for understanding the electrical current within the brain). The research was done in Munich Germany with the goal of checking whether replacement treatment with progesterone enhances sleep after menopause. Ten healthy postmenopausal females were assessed at the end and the beginning of the study with rest EEG recordings. Progesterone was proven to reduce wakefulness and also improve sleep.

John R. Lee, M.D. discusses the benefits of progesterone for better sleep in his book "What The Doctor of yours Probably won't Inform you About Menopause". He says: "Many of the patients of mine have volunteered that the first benefit they perceived from using natural progesterone was a better sleep pattern. Following decades of unsettled rest they now look forward to retiring nightly because they understand they are going to enjoy good sleep and awake refreshed in the early morning. View this site's among the reasons I are likely to recommend that progesterone cream be applied for bedtime."

Women must look for a natural progesterone cream which contains no artificial chemical substances, colors, preservatives, fragrances, or maybe mineral oil. Dr. John Lee says: "Even when a cream includes progesterone, it won't be effective if it is not suspended in the ideal medium. Products containing mineral oil will prevent the progesterone from being absorbed into the skin. Some other solutions haven't properly stabilized the progesterone, thus it deteriorates over time with exposure to oxygen."

All-natural, body identical progesterone cream carries none of the side-effects of drug based hormones. If a women uses a lot, the only side-effect which may occur is an excessive amount of drowsiness or maybe tiredness during the day. The proper kind of natural progesterone product just might be ready to soothe those restless, sleepless nights to calm, tranquil slumber.


1. Book: "Natural Hormone Balance for Women" by Uzzi Reiss, M.D./O.B. GYN.dr-ian-malcolm-diorama-3d-print-3d-model-stl.jpg
